Faculty Research Profile

College of Design and Built Environment

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Faculty Research Profile Bulletin



Syed Umair Ali Naqvi



Assistant Professor




Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering
Construction Materials Water Resources Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering
Other(s) – please specify:



Institution: The University of Tokyo, Japan
Year: 2020
Dissertation Title: Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Soil Arching and Stability Mechanism under Trapdoor and Underground Cavity Condition


Selected Research Projects:

1.      Use of 3D additive manufactured materials utilizing waste plastics for soil improvement.
2.      Model Trapdoor testing equipment for stress redistribution and soil arching analysis for buried infrastructure.
3.      Model testing for buried shallow cavities formation and factors affecting its stability.
4.      Discrete element modelling for granular materials for stress-redistribution underground subsidence and settlement.
5.      Development of numerical model for incorporation of unsaturated conditions in discrete element modelling and simulations.
6.      Characterization of aggregate materials for vibro-replacement and its numerical modelling.
7.      Use of AI in predicting soil behavior and validation through experimental data


Selected Patents:



Research Publications:

Scopus Link:  
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fp3afIAAAAAJ&hl=en


Selected Graduate Thesis Supervised:

1. Use of 3D printed waste plastic material for improvement of weak soils.


Research Interests (as per CEE Strategic Research Goals):


Develop Structural Health Monitoring Systems Renewable Energy
Rehabilitation Materials and Techniques Sustainable Environment
Carbon Utilization Climate Change Adaptation
Cycling of Waste Materials Automation / Process Intensification
Develop Smart and Sustainable Materials Novel Physical-Chemical Processes
Novel Modeling / Testing Methods Exposure and Risk Analysis
Natural Resources Management Smart Mobility Systems
Soil/ground improvement Development of model testing equipment