Faculty Research Profile

College of Design and Built Environment

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Faculty Research Profile Bulletin



Hamad Ibrahim Al Abdul Wahhab







Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering
Construction Materials Water Resources Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering




Institution: Oregon State University, USA
Year: 1985
Dissertation Title: Evaluation of Emulsified Asphalt for Use in Saudi Arabia


Selected Research Projects: Titles Only

1. Effect of Riyadh refinery bitumen variability on the loadings of Honeywell TitanTM polymers
2. Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt and Sulfur-Concrete Technology for Local Applications
3. Stabilization of Local Soils with Foamed and Emulsified Sulfur Asphalt
4. Accelerated Testing Comparison of SAES-Q-006 Foam Asphalt and Aggregate/Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Sections, Saudi Aramco
5. Design and Architecture of a Highway Asset Management Framework and System for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
6. Utilization of Tank Bottom Oil Sludge and Tank Bottom Oil Sludge Sand


Selected Patents: Titles Only

1. Utilization of Heavy Oil Fly Ash to Improve Asphalt Binder and Asphalt Concrete Performance
2. Sulfur extended asphalt modified with crumb rubber
3. Sulfur modified polyvinyl acetate (PVAc)
4. Foamed sulfur asphalts for pavement recycling and soil stabilization
5. Heavy oil ash in roofing, damp-proofing, and water proofing applications


Research Publications:

Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6701538710
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=RzPF-QcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate


Selected Graduate Thesis Supervised: Titles Only

1. SMA mix optimization using recycled plastic waste and fiber for local roads
2. Fatigue and Rutting Performance of Hybrid Recycled Plastic Asphalt Concrete
3. Modeling of Sulfur Modified Foamed and Emulsified Asphalt Soil Mixes Behavior for Local Road Applications
4. Improvement of Asphalt Performance Using Industrial Wastes
5. Modeling of Pavement Condition and Maintenance Priority Ranking for Road Networks
6. Performance Modification of Saudi Asphalts Using SABIC Polymers
7. Performance Modeling of Saudi Aramco Roads Network


Research Interests (as per CEE Strategic Research Goals): Select all that apply.


Develop Structural Health Monitoring Systems Renewable Energy
Rehabilitation Materials and Techniques Sustainable Environment
Carbon Utilization Climate Change Adaptation
Cycling of Waste Materials Automation / Process Intensification
Develop Smart and Sustainable Materials Novel Physical-Chemical Processes
Novel Modeling / Testing Methods Exposure and Risk Analysis
Natural Resources Management Smart Mobility Systems
Other(s) – please specify: