Faculty Research Profile

College of Design and Built Environment

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Faculty Research Profile Bulletin



Nedal Taisir A Al-Ratrout







Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering
Construction Materials Water Resources Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering
Other(s) – please specify:



Institution: Michigan State University
Year: 1989
Dissertation Title: Transportation Option


Selected Research Projects: Titles Only

1.Prediction of Traffic Crash Severity
2.The acceptance of Truck Platooning in Saudi Arabia
3.Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Road Traffic Cash Severity Prediction
4.Development of Demand Responsive Dynamic Lane Assignment Strategy for Signalized Intersections
5.Improve Passenger Service through the Ports of the Eastern Provence, Saudi Arabia


Selected Patents: Titles Only

1.Real-Time Traffic Crash Severity Predication Tool
2.Quick Process for Optimizing Space and Signal Timing at Intersections
3.Method for Allocation Traffic Flow in a Three- Legged Signalized Intersection


Research Publications:

Scopus Link:  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56016440400
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=184td10AAAAJ&hl=en


Selected Graduate Thesis Supervised: Titles Only

1.Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles with different levels of penetration on Traffic operation characteristics through Simulation
2.Machine Learning Optimization of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for Mixed Traffic Environment of Autonomous and Conventional Vehicles
3.Application of Dynamic Lane Grouping and Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Predicting the Optimum Lane Groups at isolated signalized intersections
4.Modeling and Predicting Traffic Crash Severity using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
5.Application of Dynamic Lane Grouping with Movement-based Signal phasing schemes at Isolated Signalized Intersection


Research Interests (as per CEE Strategic Research Goals): Select all that apply


Develop Structural Health Monitoring Systems Renewable Energy
Rehabilitation Materials and Techniques Sustainable Environment
Carbon Utilization Climate Change Adaptation
Cycling of Waste Materials Automation / Process Intensification
Develop Smart and Sustainable Materials Novel Physical-Chemical Processes
Novel Modeling / Testing Methods Exposure and Risk Analysis
Natural Resources Management Smart Mobility Systems
Other(s) – please specify: