The Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) is one of the oldest Departments at KFUPM and has been offering Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Civil Engineering since the establishment of the University in 1963. The Department commenced the Masters (MS) program in 1972 and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in 1985. State-of-the art laboratory facilities have been developed for laboratory teaching and research in all core and interdisciplinary areas.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) conceptualizes rapid change to technology, industries, and societal patterns and processes in the 21st Century due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation. Recently, KFUPM has introduced a set of new undergraduate concentrations to meet the IR4.0 requirements, job market trends in exciting disciplines, and aligned with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. To play our part in achieving this goal, CEE Department has also developed several concentrations (CXs) for BS programs as well as professional Masters (MXs) programs for engineers working in the industry. Considering high demand for the engineers in the field of Environmental Science & Engineering, recently, the CEE Department has started a new BS and a new MX program in Environmental Science & Engineering.

The undergraduate and graduate programs have been designed to meet international standards and are regularly updated to adapt the new developments in science and engineering. The CEE Department has well experienced and highly qualified faculty members in all core areas of civil and environmental engineering. Our faculty members have graduated from world-class universities with strong research profiles in diverse areas that include structures, construction materials, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, and water resources engineering. While excelling in their personal and professional development, our faculty is highly motivated to prepare the students to solve contemporary issues and future needs of the built environment along with providing ample knowledge and skills for their endeavors of graduate studies.