ACADEMIC YEAR 2021 – 2022

(Terms 211 and 212)


Standing Committee


Strategic Planning and Faculty Recruitment Committee

Shamsad Ahmad (Chairman)

Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan 

Omar Al-Amoudi

Salah Al-Dulaijan 

Husain Al-Gahtani

Ibrahim Al-Saghan

  • Preparation of strategic plans for the Department
  • Review    and    recommend    faculty    applications received from Faculty Affairs Department
  • Hiring of Star Faculty under the Star Faculty Program

Graduate Committee

Faisal Mukhtar (Chairman)

Hassan Al-Ahmadi 

Hamad Al-Abdul Wahhab 

Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan 

Omar Al-Amoudi 

Mohammed Al-Osta 

Hammad Khalid

Syed Khaja Najamuddin

  • Supervise graduate students (degree plans, exams, thesis, etc.)
  • Update graduate program policies and procedures
  • Revise and update graduate programs
  • Evaluate     graduate     applications      and     make recommendations for admission
  • Monitor  the  progress  of  graduate  students  and make recommendations
  • Monitoring the outcomes of research courses and thesis works
  • Coordination    in    developing    and    offering    MX Programs

Undergraduate Committee

Muhammad Vohra (Chairman)

Husain Al-Gahtani 

Hamad Al-Abdul Wahhab

Shakhawat Chowdhury

Ali Al-Gadhib

Khalaf Al-Ofi 

Khaled Assi

  • Revise and update undergraduate courses
  • Finalize the  new undergraduate Environmental Engineering Program
  • Study undergraduate students' academic petitions
  • To work on CES Strategic Plan Item # 1: Enhancing Students Learning Experience,
  • Make presentations to the faculty to explain active learning and how it can be infused into courses
  • Invite guest speakers from industry and the other departments who have experience with active learning
  • To organize field trips for students
  • Review course outlines and discuss with instructors how active learning can be infused in each undergraduate course
  • Student Advising & Counseling
  • To plan, promote, and facilitate the undergraduate research
  • Coordination    in    developing    and    offering    CX Programs


Standing Committee


Program Assessment/Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee

Shakhawat Chowdhury (Chairman)

Husain Al-Gahtani 

Salah Al-Dulaijan

Muhammad Vohra

 Saheed Adekunle 

Khaled Assi 

Hammad Khalid 

Mirza Ghouse Baig

  • Develop and conduct the program self-assessment plan for the current academic year
  • Attend and encourage other CE faculty members to participate in the seminars/workshops organized by the Program Assessment Center of the Deanship of Academic Development (DAD)
  • Review ABET guidelines for continuous assessment
  • Check the completeness of ABET course files
  • Check the completeness of NCAAA/AQAF course files and submission of files to DAD
  • To prepare and submit APRs
  • To develop and conduct the program self- assessment plan for the academic year
  • To gather data and other evidences that support the self-assessment findings including key performance and benchmarks
  • To continuously identify priorities for improvement
  • To summarize the Department´s activities during the prior year
  • To provide appropriate statistics and data, and outline planning for the following year
  • To ensure appropriate levels of assessment are being conducted and the results of the assessment are appropriately utilized
  • To aggregate and interpret assessment information and organize an annual report for decision makers (Chairman)

Course Offering and Textbook


Mirza Ghouse Baig (Chairman)

Mohammad Al-Zahrani

Ali Al-Gadhib

Mohammed Al-Osta

Faisal Mukhtar


  • To  plan  for  graduate  &  undergraduate  courses offering
  • Ensure availability of approved textbooks to match with the requirements of course offering
  • Receive and process requests of new textbooks
  • Maintain lab manuals


Standing Committee


Lab, IT, and Safety Committee

Hassan Al-Ahmadi (Chairman)

Mohammed Al-Osta

Ibrahim Al-Saghan 

Saheed Adekunle

Syed Imran Ali 

Mirza Ghouse Baig

Muhammad Khalil

Fahad Al-Zuhair

  • Maintain lab facilities and equipment
  • Recommend work distribution among lab staff
  • Recommend    new    lab    equipment    based    on department needs
  • Prepare PRs for new equipment
  • Maintain Department PC labs
  • Acquire software to match with the requirements of the Department
  • Maintain   the   software   purchased   through   the Department
  • Assist faculty in computer-related issues
  • Study  existing  and  future  needs  for  computing facilities
  • Improve and update the department website
  • To conduct inspections, twice in each semester, department facilities (offices, labs, workshops, stores, etc.) and send the inspection reports to the HSS Committee, on the attached Safety Inspection form
  • To eliminate hazards, if any, found in these facilities.

The HSS Committee will review the inspection reports and provide its suggestions to improve the situation

COOP, Summer Training and Senior Design Project Committee

Ibrahim Al-Saghan (Chairman)

Mohammad Al-Zahrani

 Hassan Al-Ahmadi

Khalaf Al-Ofi

  • Review and update the evaluation criteria for COOP, Summer Training, and Senior Design Project
  • Coordinate with the instructors for proper implementation of the 'rules of conduct' (guidelines) set for the Senior Design Project
  • Coordinate placement of Senior Design Project students with faculty
  • Secure training opportunities for COOP and ST students
  • Contacting mentors on the performance of COOP and ST students
  • Monitoring progress reports




1.Graduate CoordinatorShamsad Ahmad
2.Undergraduate CoordinatorMuhammad Vohra
3.Course Files/NCAAA/AQAF CoordinatorSaheed Adekunle
4.CE Club CoordinatorSalah Al-Dulaijan
5.Student Exchange Program CoordinatorFaisal Mukhtar
6.Civil Engineering Labs CoordinatorSyed Imran Ali
7.ERP Coordinator (Lab-related matters)Syed Imran Ali
8.ERP Coordinator (Textbook-related matters)Mirza Ghouse Baig
9.ERP DSR Coordinator (Project)Syed Khaja Najamuddin
10.Maintenance CoordinatorAhmed Al-Saif




Course No.

Course Title


CE 101Engineering GraphicsMirza Ghouse Baig
CE 201StaticsOmar S.B. Al-Amoudi
CE 202Statics & Strength of MaterialsSalah U. Al-Dulaijan
CE 203Structural Mechanics IMohammad Al-Suwaiyan
CE 351Civil Eng. Cooperative WorkIbrahim Al-Saghan
CE 399Summer TrainingIbrahim Al-Saghan
CE 411/412Senior Design ProjectsHassan Al-Ahmadi
CE 600Civil Engineering Project (MEng)Ali H. Al-Gadhib