Undergraduate Program

​​The CEE Department offers two undergraduate programs, the Civil Engineering Program, and the Applied Civil Engineering Program. The official details about these programs are available at the University Undergraduate Bulletin. The highlights of these 2 programs are summarized in the document below. Due to the continuous change and improvement process of these programs, readers are encouraged to check that they are using the latest version of this document.

Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Engineering (BS ESE)

Undergraduate_Bulletin_2021.pdf (19mb)

CE Program with Summer Training Option (September-2023)

CE Program with Internship Option (September-2023)

Undergraduate Program (Early Versions) 

إدارة الأولويات طريقك إلى التفوق  (Word File)

كيف تحسن من أدائك  (PowerPoint File)

Format and Guidelines for Senior Design Project Reports.pdf